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Please click on the attachments below to view our policies.

You can also find polices relating to our schools by clicking on the following links:

  1. Acceptable Use Policy A33 Oct21
    PDF File
  2. Admissions Policy NRP A45 Feb24
    PDF File
  3. Admissions Policy PLP A44 Feb24
    PDF File
  4. Admissions Policy SHSCC A43 Feb24
    PDF File
  5. Arrangements for Contractors Working in Schools Policy A48 May22
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  6. Bullying & Harassment Policy A31 Nov23
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  7. CCTV Policy A39 May23
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  8. Charging & Remissions Policy A58 May24
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  9. Code of Conduct for All Adults Policy A21 Oct23
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  10. Complaints Policy A34a May22
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  11. Complaints Procedure - Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy A34b Mar23
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  12. Data Protection Policy A13 Feb24
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  13. Data Retention Schedule A40 Feb24
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  14. Dealing with Allegations of Abuse Against Staff and Volunteers A04 Dec23
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  15. Dealing with unacceptable behaviour on school premises A81 Oct23
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  16. E-safety Policy A77 Mar23
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  17. ECT Policy A19 Jun24
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  18. Educational Trips and Visits Policy A57 May23
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  19. Email Protocol and Email Policy A38 Oct22
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  20. Equality and Diversity Policy and Equality Objectives A14 May24
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  21. Financial Regulations Manual A15 Apr24
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  22. Fire Safety Policy A49 Jun24
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  23. Freedom of Information Publication Scheme Policy A47 May22
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  24. Freedom of Information Request Policy and Procedure A47a Mar23
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  25. Gifts & Hospitality Policy A02 Jun23
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  26. HS Overarching Policy A16 Oct23
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  27. Lettings Policy A52 Dec23
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  28. LGPS Discretions 20210929
    PDF File
  29. Privacy Notice - Governors, Trustees & Volunteers A70 Feb24
    PDF File
  30. Privacy Notice - Parents & Carers A71 Feb24
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  31. Privacy Notice - Pupils A72 Feb24
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  32. Privacy Notice - School Workforce A73 Feb24
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  33. Privacy Notice - Suppliers of goods & services A74 Feb24
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  34. Privacy Notice - Visitors A75 Feb24
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  35. Recruitment of Ex-offenders A24 Mar23
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  36. Recruitment Selection Policy A20 Mar23
    PDF File
  37. Risk Management Policy A5 Apr21
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  38. Safeguarding Policy A03 Oct23
    PDF File
  39. Schools Determined Admission Arrangements for 2025 A68 Feb24
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  40. Whistleblowing Policy A11 Oct23
    PDF File